© 2025
To All Millerstown Borough Residents: Effective March 15, 2024 The Millerstown Borough Council would like to thank all residents for disposing of their brush & leaves properly and remind all other residents to PLEASE read over and follow these guidelines. There have been several incidents of residents covering animal waste, diapers, rocks, grass, trash, etc. with brush. This service is not intended for removal of any other products. These rules are for the safety of the employees and the environment in which it is disposed. The Council will be forced to discontinue this free and helpful service if the guidelines are not followed. This service will ONLY be offered from March 31st – November 1st A. Please bag all leaves and keep bags free of trash or other non-organic items. B. All brush must be cut in 3-foot sections and bundled. C. Grass clippings, or sod from your yard, produce, garden waste, food items and ANY OTHER TRASH OR DEBRIS WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. D. The maximum weight for each can or bag is 40 lb. E. Brush and leaves not originating from your home will not be picked up. (i.e.: lawn business, etc.) F. Please try to put out Christmas trees as soon after the New Year as possible. Please be sure to remove all decorations & do not place in a bag. G. Please put in an obvious place to be sure it is picked up! PLEASE PUT OUT NO LATER THAN MONDAY EVENING FOR TUESDAY MORNING PICKUP.
© 2025
Brush Pick-Up - Effective March 15, 2024 To All Millerstown Borough Residents: The Millerstown Borough Council would like to thank all residents for disposing of their brush & leaves properly and remind all other residents to PLEASE read over and follow these guidelines. There have been several incidents of residents covering animal waste, diapers, rocks, grass, trash, etc. with brush. This service is not intended for removal of any other products. These rules are for the safety of the employees and the environment in which it is disposed. The Council will be forced to discontinue this free and helpful service if the guidelines are not followed. This service will ONLY be offered from March 31st – November 1st A. Please bag all leaves and keep bags free of trash or other non-organic items. B. All brush must be cut in 3-foot sections and bundled. C. Grass clippings, or sod from your yard, produce, garden waste, food items and ANY OTHER TRASH OR DEBRIS WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. D. The maximum weight for each can or bag is 40 lb. E. Brush and leaves not originating from your home will not be picked up. (i.e.: lawn business, etc.) F. Please try to put out Christmas trees as soon after the New Year as possible. Please be sure to remove all decorations & do not place in a bag. G. Please put in an obvious place to be sure it is picked up! PLEASE PUT OUT NO LATER THAN MONDAY EVENING FOR TUESDAY MORNING